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Nutrition Talks and Workshops

Nutrition talks and workshops aim to promote health of the public by raising awareness of unhealthy diet and introducing easy ways to put health eating into practice in daily life. The centre may develop tailor-made contents and activities based on the needs of targeting participants. Regardless of the size of the class, it can be conducted face-to-face or via Zoom.


Our Centre has a professional nutrition team composed of health promotion officer, registerred dietitian and nutritionists. The team has rich experience giving talks and workshops to different audiences including students, staff, parents, elderly and patients, serving not only schools but also non-porfit organizations, civil services and private companies. The team can tailor a series of consultancy services to meet the specific needs of schools and organizations, and we welcome inquiries for potential collaboration in any arrangement.

Topics or themes which we have conducted in the past include:

  • For students and parents
Easy Ways to Practice Health Eating Be Balanced in Diet
Be Healthy in Every Meals Healthy Snack Choices
Secrets of Fruits & Vegetables Healthy Breakfast
Dietary Tips for Weight Management Low Carbon Diet
Eating Behaviours: Manage Early & Don't Worry Tips on Maintaining Good Immunity
Nutritional Needs of Children from 0 to 9 Years Time to Cook with Your Child


  • For adults and working people
Let's Go for Low Fat, Salt & Sugar Healthy Tips on Eating Out
Be Wise When Doing Groceries Skills for Managing Body Weight


  • For elderly
Nutrition Needs and Healthy Diet for Elderly Diet for Preventing Cardiovascular Diseases
Diet for Preventing Osteoporosis Diet for Preventing Gout
Diet for Preventing Sarcopenia Diet for Preventing Dementia

For enquiries

Contact person: Mr. Calvin Cheung
Tel: (852)2693-3708   
Fax: (852)2694-0004

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The Chinese University of Hong Kong.