Download the Health Captain Nomination Form (Chinese version only)
Health Captain Online Nomination System
What are the characteristics which Health Captains possess?
All schools can nominate one to four students (P.4 - S.6) each year to become our Health Captains. Teachers would make the selection on the basis of the following criteria that a Health Captain should:
How would our Health Captains be recognised?
Those Health Captains who have undergone the nomination process would have the opportunity to:•Be invited to take part in a recognition ceremony and receive a certificate of commendation;
Should our school also form a group of Student Health Captains?
We call those schoolchildren and adolescents nominated by school teachers “Health Captains” for receiving recognition and training. These pupils can become the critical mass for a new or extracurricular activity group in your school. What is the name of such a student group? Health Ambassador, Health Pioneer, Health Commissioner, Health Energizer…whatever name you choose to give the group is OK, as long as most pupils like it. You may also design unique badges and slogans for the group or even set out the rights and responsibilities of the members to strengthen team building and the attributes that go with it.
Do we offer opportunities for Health Captains to serve the school and convey health messages?
Many areas in your school, such as the Sports Zone, School Radio/ Campus TV, news columns and display boards featuring health information, Health Week, school open days, activities for community outreach etc., provide excellent opportunities for pupils to gain practical experiences.
What roles are they to take on?
Many schools have set up or are preparing to set up such an organisation of students for health promotion, such as Health Prefect, Health Ambassador and Health Captain. This kind of organisation can be presented in a variety of ways. In some schools, these pupils assist their teachers as class representatives by disseminating health information to the class regularly. In contrast, in other schools, interested students are selected by the teacher in advance, forming a list of volunteers who would occasionally be called for assistance when the teacher is planning to organise specific health-related programmes. There are also schools where an extra-curricular activity group (a service team or a club) with a clear mission to promote holistic health has been established. Through regular meetings, activities, voluntary works and services, Health Captains can promote positive values and a healthy lifestyle by practising peer health education in the school.
What I can do if I only want to nominate some pupils to become Health Captains?
The pace of development in schools in terms health promotion and students’ needs could be very different. While we are recruiting “Network Schools” and promoting “District-based Stations”, we also welcome all local teachers nominating 1 to 4 students (P.4 - S.6) from each Interest School to become our Health Captains.
Last updated on 28 December 2023